Tips For An Essay On TB
In this age of life-threatening diseases and advanced health care, one of the things that you are not likely to see very often is a writing assignment on tuberculosis. TB, the disease most likely to leave a writing assignment short, is treatable and has an extremely low mortality rate, but it is not something that comes up very often in the typical essay assignment. Writing an essay on TB can be quite tough, but once you know what is required of you, the task becomes a lot easier.
The first thing you need to do is decide what kind of topic you want to use for your essay. If you write your essay based around a type of illness such as cancer or HIV/AIDS, then you will need to talk to your editor to get permission to use that topic. If you choose a topic such as medicine or journalism, then you should have no problem getting an essay on that topic approved.
The next important thing you need to do is figure out how you are going to tackle your assignment.